Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Beth Robins Needs Our Help

Hello everybody,

On September 8-10, 2006 I'll be participating in a very special event called The Weekend to End Breast Cancer with my daughter Holly. We have a team name, it is "Kindred Spirits". We hope to raise $7,000 between us, we are presently at $5,210.00. So I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation of $50? Use the link at the bottom of this email, and go visit my site - and please take the time to support a great cause. If you wish to donate to the team both of us) instead of my personal page, please click on Kindred Spirits and follow the prompts..

I remember fondly Judy Richardson and Susan Gregory ( and her sister as
well) who fought a valliant battle with this horrible disease before passing on way before their time. I am sure you know of people personally as this affects so many women, young women!.
We'lll walk 60 kilometres over the course of one weekend with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, treatment, and services through the Princess Margaret Hospital.

According to the National Cancer Institute of Canada, approximately 20,500 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and about 5,400 will die from the disease. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.
Together we can do amazing things. If you know of friends or family that would like to support this cause, please feel free to pass along this message to them. I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and have an awesome day! I'll be seeing some of you at the reunion in Sept
Beth (Robins)

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